Dave,We rigged a block and tackle inside the boom then the tail out the boom to 
a cleat on the side of the boom  It gave the purchase needed to get the clew 
down and tight. Worked on the 29. Cheers,Hank

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On Saturday, June 18, 2022, 6:56 PM, David Knecht via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

We raced today in a real blow and I was reminded to ask how others rig their 
reefing lines.  I have a single reef point in my main and outhaul and reefing 
line both exit the pulleys on the end of the boom.  When I want to reef, I have 
generally run the reefing line up to the cringe, down and around the boom and 
tied it to the boom. I have found it to be really difficult to pull the new 
clew down and back to flatten the sail in both directions.  It seems like it 
should work, but I am not sure if there is a better way.   How do others rig 
for reefing?  Dave
S/V Aries1990 C&C 34+New London, CT

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