I do more or less the same. My boat is covered in the winter, and there’s no real issue unless the mast is up. When it’s up, water accumulates in the bilge, so I throw in some antifreeze. I don’t pump out in the winter because I don’t want to undermine winterization of the bilge pump. Instead, I keep a Shop Vac on the boat, and if the water accumulates too much I suck it out and dump it in the galley sink. The garboard drain idea is intriguing, but my DNA is resistant to drilling underwater holes in my bilge.
Matt Wolford C&C 42 Custom From: Robert Abbott via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2022 9:39 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca> Subject: Stus-List Bilge Water My mast is usually out during the winter...left it in this year for reasons...I use a cheap -35C windshield washer in the bilge to prevent any water from freezing before I get to the boat to pump it out. Mast in or mast out, I don't use either the manual or electric pump(s) in the winter....both lines and pumps are primed with the same -35C rated windshield washer to prevent any chance of freezing causing trouble. Has worked well for the past 16 winters. Rob Abbott AZURA C&C 32 - #277 Halifax,N.S.
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