Thank you, Spencer. Makes sense. I'm in south Florida, so we never get a freeze. I drilled a couple more holes, dug around with a screwdriver, vacuumed it a lot, and have had my heat gun blowing in the area for about 3 hours a safe distance. Its seems pretty dry, but I'm going to let her set in the sun for several days. Fortunately, I don't think its to bad. The upper 75% seems very dry since I drilled out one of the foam fill holes when they made it.
Overall I think I roll with this fix and monitor it next time I haulout. Really appreciate having this group to turn to for advice and stories. Regards, Brian On Wed, Jan 5, 2022, 12:04 PM Spencer Johnson via CnC-List <> wrote: > Hi Brian...I replaced my rudder in 2018 after years of bringing it home > over the winter to let it drain out of the rudder-shaft connection. I gave > up and had Competition Composites ( in Ontario repair it. Their > computer scanned the rudder, removed the fiberglass and foam confirming > that the SS post was in good shape (because of the black/brown tarry ooze > that came out of the rudder I was relieved), then they scanned the shaft. > After cleaning it all up they used a CNC milling machine to cut two halves > of hard Divinycell foam - inside and outside - then packed with epoxy. The > outside was covered in 2 layers of fiberglass mat, vacuum bagged, then > faired and primed. Some pics: > > > > > They have a video of the process on the website. Cost was about 3k but > the exchange rate US to CDN was quite favorable. Shipping was not > cheep...a crate cost about $100 and was very well made. Rudder weight > dropped in half....from 325 to 150 lbs...much easier to reinstall! > > Brian....if your boat is outside in the frozen tundra you can be sure it > won't just get better. I had the yard use G-Flex on the shaft to rudder > joint...water still got in. So, not a matter of IF but WHEN. For me...I > was done removing the rudder each fall and taking it home so it would not > freeze. The new rudder is solid peace of mind. Good Luck!! > > Spencer Johnson > 84 LF38 "Alegria" #165 > Racine, WI / Waukegan, IL > > > > Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with > the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- Thanks > - Stu
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- Thanks - Stu