You mentioned that you don’t want to use the spider spray, but this one 
(Bug-Tek) is less toxic and does not hurt the environment that much. And it is 
pretty effective. I use it to spray the dock lines - if they cannot get through 
the lines, they have to swim to the boat or fly (I know some can fly on their 
webs). So, the numbers are substantially reduced.

For the mice problem, we use cloves. It does not kill anything, but apparently 
mice don’t like the smell. An added benefit is that the smell is quite nice for 
most humans. We buy about 0.5 kg each fall and distribute them around the boat 
(in small bags). When we had a cottage, we used another 1 kg for the cottage. 
It either works or it is a great coincidence that since we started using them, 
the mice went somewhere else.

Of course, YMMV


From: Bill Coleman via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 10:48 AM
To: 'Stus-List' <>
Cc: Bill Coleman <>
Subject: Stus-List Boric Acid Powder

Has anyone ever tried Boric Acid for spiders?
We have gobs of them here on the lakes.

Practical Sailor just had some discussion on using this for Cockroaches, and I 
see now, silverfish and water bugs – but I see no mention of spiders.
I am trying to get away from spider spray, for obvious reasons, and this looks 
like a much more friendly alternative, but if it won’t work, well then . . . I 
guess back to the drawing board.

Bill Coleman
Entrada, Erie, PA

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