To call the Nautilus a C&C design is a bit of a stretch. It
was designed by Henri Adriaanse who did work for C&C in the
late 60's. These boats were designed in the late 70's. Now Henri
and my Dad had a close relationship through out their lives and
went on to produce the Mark 19 and Mark 25 together later in their
lives. Sailboat Data credits the Mark Series design to C&C
which is wrong and properly should be credit to Motion Designs
Here is my Dad's notes on Henri
Henri was in our design office about five years. He came out from
Holland to work for George Hinterhoeller at Niagara-on-the-Lake. |
don’t know if that was arranged. One day— we’re talking late
’60s—my phone rang and it was George Hinterhoeller. He said, “|
have a young man here whose abilities would be much better served
in your design office.” We had that relationship amongst us, to do
what was best for the company.
So along came Henri Adriaanse, armed with drawings. About five
years after that, he decided to move back to Niagara-on-the-Lake,
for reasons | never understood. His family had never moved over
here. That, in a nutshell, is why in the photograph [of the
C&C design staff] Henri is not there. That’s because he'd just
moved back to Niagara; otherwise he would have been front and
center. | was sorry he decided to move back.
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