
The cockpit antiskip is long overdue on our 1987 33-2 and even with really good 
deck shoes it is now just unsafe. Our plan is to cover the cockpit sole, 
benches and bridgedeck with 5 mm light grey. The templates are made and both 
companies (Seadeck and Raptor) do custom work. You send theme the templates and 
they send you a quote. But before i send them my precious templates,  I would 
like to have a ballpark estimate, anybody on the list that have done the same 
and could give me a rough estimate. It could be from a C&C 29 to a let's say 37.

I have sailed on boats where the cockpit sole was covered with Raptor deck as 
antiskid. I loved the feel of it and the grip is really good and more comfy. I 
would prefer this to paint.

I know i could also buy a sheet of the same stuff and cut it myself, but i want 
it to look professional if the price is not outrageous.

Thank you!

Bruno Lachance
Bécassin, C&C 33-2
New-Richmond, Qc
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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