I made a few seat bases many years ago for a neighbor, they were simply a SS 
(or could be aluminum) plate welded to a hexish stub machined to fit into the 
cockpit coaming Winches.  Then a simple plastic seat screwed onto the plate. 

Not this, but kind of like it.




Those winches take up some prime real estate around the cockpit, and they make 
a nice solid base.  I thought about selling them, but then I relaxed and the 
feeling went away.


Bill Coleman

Entrada, Erie, PA





On Jul 24, 2020, at 10:28 AM, James Hesketh via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:




David wrote:

We do not have cockpit cushions an Aries, so have been considering some sort of 
folding deck chair as a substitute for the rare times we are sitting in the 
cockpit or deck at anchor/mooring/slip.  I have seen various types of folding 
chairs at Boat Shows and Amazon.  Have people had good experiences with any of 
these products that they can recommend? 




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