You will be very disappointed if you order this part for your engine control as 
it only works in an Edson 870 control.  Replacement engine control levers for 
the controls where the cables have their own unique tubes aft of the pedestal 
ARE NO LONGER MADE BY EDSON and have not been for over 25 years.  If you still 
have one of these controls on your boat, do yourself a favor and replace your 
control cables(carefully).  The vast majority of control component breakage 
(clevis, levers, and clamps)is caused by trying to overcome the friction of 
worn out cables that have been in the boat for over 30 years. And no, there is 
no way to lubricate a Morse series 33 or 64 cable.  It is the cable housing 
that wears out wherever there is a bend in the cable.
Chuck Gilchrest 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 6, 2020, at 9:19 AM, dwight veinot via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Search Edson stainless clutch handle. $109
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 8:22 AM John and Maryann Read via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> A friend’s circa 1980 36 shift lever broke while docking this weekend.  It 
>> was an exciting docking maneuver with crew climbing into the engine to 
>> manually shift but all is well.  Any advice on obtaining a replacement?
>> Edson system with separate throttle and shift levers each in its own tube 
>> either side of the pedestal.  Lever is cast aluminum
>> TIA
>> John and Maryann
>> Legacy III
>> 1982 C&C 34
>> Noank, CT
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