Our C&C 35-3 came with plastic control levers.  They always felt close to failing so we replaced them with Stainless Steel Edson levers from Defender.  Expensive but well worth it.  It is a terrible feeling when the lever breaks at the worst time.  We had the side mounted shift/throttle control break the mounting screws approaching a bridge with the current pushing us toward it on our Redwing 35.  Dove below and had to manually shift the A4 to keep us stationary while the bridge opened.  Also had a friend who liked to come into his slip fast and quick reverse to stop until his shifter broke off in his hand.  I jumped off the boat and managed to get it stoppped before he Forest Gump'd the dock.

Neil Schiller
1983 C&C 35-3, #028, "Grace"
Whitehall, Michigan

On 7/6/2020 7:21 AM, John and Maryann Read via CnC-List wrote:

A friend’s circa 1980 36 shift lever broke while docking this weekend.  It was an exciting docking maneuver with crew climbing into the engine to manually shift but all is well. Any advice on obtaining a replacement?

Edson system with separate throttle and shift levers each in its own tube either side of the pedestal.  Lever is cast aluminum


John and Maryann

Legacy III

1982 C&C 34

Noank, CT


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