It’s a tender boat by all accounts. If you are sailing in winds usually in
the teens apparent to weather it really does well with a keel shoe. The
interior seems very tight compared to the 35mkii which was i believe was
the model it was built to replace

On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 2:36 PM John and Maryann Read via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Owned our 82 for 21 seasons.  Absolutely love it.  Original Yanmar 3GM
> which is just the right power (do not recommend a smaller engine)  No major
> design or build issues just issues of being such a tender age :-)  Of
> course get a competent survey of hull rig and all systems.  Our main hatch
> cover had delamination of core as screws around the edge went through the
> balsa core, they leaked and core rotted.  Removed cover, installed solid
> glass around edges for screws, new balsa and glass, reinstalled.  Filled 2
> screw holes in deck with epoxy reassembled and no more leaks :-)
> Sails like a dream.  Very sensitive to trim and weight distribution.
> Races with the best of them need a crew of 6 or 7.  Easily cruises for 4.
> 2 can easily sail her.  Is designed for light airs but can handle high
> winds and seas well.  The designer Rob Ball has one - need I say more?
> Contact off list if need anything else.
> John and Maryann
> Legacy III
> 1982 C&C 34
> Noank, CT
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