We were talking about boat speeds recently.  I had our 34 banging 12.9 knots
crossing Lake Erie wing and wing (or wing-on-wing as some say).  We stayed
ahead of a Beneteau 42 First the entire way.  I did notice something unusual
going downwind in about 20 knots of breeze with the chute up -- the steering
wheel sort of locked in place.  It was like I engaged the steering brake.
Very strange.  As with a lot C&Cs of similar vintage, the boat becomes a bit
unstable in breezy/wavy conditions with the chute up.

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List <cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com> On Behalf Of John and Maryann
Read via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 1:41 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: John and Maryann Read <johnprea...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List CnC34-Anything to pay attention to?

Owned our 82 for 21 seasons.  Absolutely love it.  Original Yanmar 3GM which
is just the right power (do not recommend a smaller engine)  No major design
or build issues just issues of being such a tender age :-)  Of course get a
competent survey of hull rig and all systems.  Our main hatch cover had
delamination of core as screws around the edge went through the balsa core,
they leaked and core rotted.  Removed cover, installed solid glass around
edges for screws, new balsa and glass, reinstalled.  Filled 2 screw holes in
deck with epoxy reassembled and no more leaks :-) Sails like a dream.  Very
sensitive to trim and weight distribution.  Races with the best of them need
a crew of 6 or 7.  Easily cruises for 4.  2 can easily sail her.  Is
designed for light airs but can handle high winds and seas well.  The
designer Rob Ball has one - need I say more?  Contact off list if need
anything else.

John and Maryann
Legacy III
1982 C&C 34
Noank, CT


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