This topic caught my attention, as I've been meaning to send the list an update on the same issue I recently experienced. I have a 3JH2TE (turbo) on a new to me J/42. When running the engine this spring, we noticed oil dripping out of the air intake filter. After a series of troubleshooting (first suspecting bad seals on turbo), I realized the oil was coming from the breather line that leads from crankcase to air filter housing. Interestingly enough, this was only happening when the engine was started in colder conditions (less than 45F). So I suspected I was getting a bit of blow by (worn rings?) and at initial start up the pressure was pushing some oil out the breather tube. I installed an oil catch can to resolve this--same concept as Josh describes as a dropout tank in his (awesome) vid. It was a $20 part and I installed in-line in the breather tube-see pic. Bruce- I can't see your pic, but I suspect it's a fitting for some form of catch or dropout can to collect "impurities" and prevent them from re-entering on the air intake side.
ps. Thanks again for all the activity on this list--while I wish I had more time to contribute, it remains my #1 go to reference for all things sailing. Sean Conner
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