Turning off the squelch is key to finding noise with FM. I have found it is not blanket white noise, it can be only on certain frequencies. What you need to do is test every channel, not just 16. Yes it is a PITA.



On 2/10/2020 8:23 PM, Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List wrote:
Hi Jeff,

I read your post below with interest, and just to test my stern light (in which I use an Amazon LED bulb) I took my handheld, turned it to 16, and literally held the antenna up to the lens with the light on.  No change in the static was noticed, nor when I had the squelch set just right did it trigger any noise.

You mention that "you might never hear it".  Is there any way to truly test for this besides what I did?

Thanks for the insights,

Bruce Whitmore

(847) 404-5092 (mobile)

On Thursday, February 6, 2020, 9:17:35 AM EST, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

        Some LEDs produce large amounts of RFI well into the VHF
        spectrum. Interference at HF frequencies is certainly an
        issue, but most of us aren’t on the SSB all day and the noise
        is pretty obvious in SSB or AM modes. I can turn lights on and
        off until it goes away.

        Noise up into VHF is far more insidious. You might never hear
        it, but it can severely de-sense FM reception anyway. AIS is
        tricky, no one listens to AIS, so you will just wonder why you
        have no targets that are not 1 mile or less distant. LED
        anchor lights or masthead running lights can be the worst of
        all, they are right next to the VHF antenna.




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