Just a thought.
Disconnect the belt from the water pump.
Undo the drain valve from the water muffler.
Run the pump with a drill and socket as you disconnect hoses.
Disconnect hoses as suggested by another lister. I would start at the
mixing elbow.
Find the fault zone and go from there.
If you get water out the hose connected to the mixing elbow, then you know
what to do next.
If not divide and conquer.

I use this method to fill my heat exchanger with anti freeze and watch the
drain for antifreeze to come out.

From: Tom Buscaglia <t...@sv-alera.com>
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 11:06:27 -0800
> Subject: Stus-List Raw water blockage
> I have checked the intake, pump, strainer, heat exchanger, mixing elbow.
> All are clear, elbow is new.  Still, no water out exhaust.
> I am wondering if the vented loop between the heat exchanger and mixing
> elbow could be the culprit.  It is even necessary on my boat?  Seems that
> the elbow is well above the water line and the loop could be bypassed.
> The  only other possibility is the hoses on the suction side of the system
> collapsing on the inside...but that still seems unlikely.
> Thoughts appreciated.
> Tom Buscaglia
> S/V Alera
> 1990 C&C 37+/40
> Vashon WA
> P 206.463.9200
> C 305.409.3660

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