You know man. Tell us all please And does it matter: wet or dry on these
older sailboats.  A wet bilge is a wet bilge. Hard to avoid on most 1970’s
designs so probably possible on most older C&C designs. Actually a wet
bilge is not that hard to live with on my boat the way i enjoy sailing.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 4:52 PM Dennis C. via CnC-List <> wrote:

> I, like many of us, am sometimes off the boat for days/weeks.  I'd like to
> track the bilge cycles to indicate a problem.
> There are several options.
>    1. Buy a nice purpose built bilge cycle counter like the one from
>    Water Witch for $80 or so
>    2. Replace my existing bilge switch with the Watch Witch ePanel
>    switch/counter for $180
>    3. Buy a cheap non-marine 12 vdc counter for $5
> The Water Witch counters provide 14 day, 7 day and 24 hour counts.  That
> could be more helpful the cheap unit's single count from when you left the
> boat.  I like the more expensive options but at the same
> time.................
> I guess I have 3 questions.
>    1. Do any of you use a cycle counter and do you find it helpful?
>    2. How would one wire the cheap counter?  I suspect you just parallel
>    it off the back of the switch across the "auto" out and the ground.  Each
>    time the float switch activates the counter would see voltage and count.
>    3. Does anyone have a better simple elegant solution?
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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