
I'll be racing Atlantis, my Hylas 44, in the Newport Bermuda race next June.

I have 2 openings for the delivery from Annapolis to Newport and one for
the Bermuda Annapolis delivery.

The bad news - both are smoke and alcohol free.

Plan is to leave Annapolis June 12 and arrive in Newport the 15-16th.  Not
sure if we will do East River and LIS or stay outside.
Leave Bermuda around June 28, arrive around July 4.  For the Bermuda return
you must have a valid passport and there is a mandatory practice May 2-3.
I'll provision the boat.  You are responsible for your own air/ground.  You
must have your own PFD with harness and tether.

Boat will have sat phone, life raft, EPIRB etc.  Boat has Ray electronics,
computer, 300 watts of solar power.

If interested, please email me at


Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --

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