Doug - what is the name/type of grease?   

Have been fairly cavalier about greasing my Gori and probably should be more 


Dave.  33-2

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 25, 2019, at 7:02 PM, Doug Robinson <> wrote:
> Yo "J Prop'rs" 
> We are currently running the two blade plastic prop on our CnC 29 as the 
> JProp is on the bench for disassembly and cleaning.  You must use the 
> requisite grease in the JProp or it gets all gummed up and won't feather 
> easily.  It also on occasion reverses settings and forward becomes reverse 
> and visa versa....I don't know why but our rigger fixes it.  It replaced the 
> Martec which is supposed to be  welded and refaced on occasion, which no one 
> informed us and as a result our welder suggested we retire it and use it for 
> a trophy of some kind.  We bought the J Prop as it was the only device that 
> fits the C&C 29MkI and performance in       reverse was considerably 
> improved, our prop is offset.  Ken, notes that is adjustable and we carefully 
> monitored what other 29 owners were trying, those that had Atomic 4's and 
> followed their lead, saving considerable time and effort.  We all ended up 
> using the offset of 5 for the Atom4.  We should note that distribution of 
> this product has fallen to US Beta Marine distributor with the unfortunate 
> demise of the dealer in Quebec, (it's an Italian product).  We are keen to 
> get it back in operation as the plastic prop is designed for and is 
> outstanding on the A4, but the Cornell engineer that design it has passed 
> away and nobody was smart enough to pick it up and continue sales.  Hit 
> something and you can't replace it.
> The grease for the JProp is made in Canada by Shell for the maritime 
> fisheries trade.  Unique  
>> On 9/25/19 3:15 PM, Ken Heaton via CnC-List wrote:
>> Note that the "J Prop" is pitch adjustable while installed on the boat so it 
>> can be fine tuned for pitch while it is installed.
>> Ken H.
>> On Wednesday, 25 September 2019, Ken Heaton <> wrote:
>> > Hi Bruce,
>> >
>> > Our boat was built with a Universal diesel but was re-powered in 2001 by a 
>> > previous Quebec City owner.  He wanted more horse power to fight the St. 
>> > Lawrence River currents and tides so we now have a Yanmar 3JH2-TBE diesel. 
>> >  This is a 47 hp. Turbo with a 3 blade feathering "J Prop", prop made in 
>> > Italy.  Nice combination.  Lots of go, plenty of reverse.  We're at about 
>> > 1100 hrs. on this combination, 400 we put on ourselves over the last 10 
>> > years.
>> >
>> > I'd buy another J Prop if I needed one.
>> >
>> > Ken H.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wednesday, 25 September 2019, Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List 
>> > <> wrote:
>> >> Hello all,
>> >> I know this has been discussed a lot on the board in the past, but given 
>> >> the recent discussions of over-propping on the part of flex-o-fold, I'd 
>> >> like to re-ask the question.  The reason is that a folding prop is 
>> >> definitely in my future, as we have a fixed 3 blade prop on the boat now. 
>> >>  We also sail in an area where crab pots are extremely common from 
>> >> October through April.  For that reason alone I am leaning toward a 
>> >> folding prop.  I also saw the rather well put together article in which a 
>> >> test of folding and feather props was performed - the one touted on 
>> >> flex-o-fold's website.  
>> >> By the way, in exchanging emails with flex-o-fold, they are recommending 
>> >> a 3 blade version, so if vibration is an issue with your two blade prop, 
>> >> that may not apply to me.
>> >> With all these considerations in mind, when it comes to a 
>> >> folding/feathering prop, what do you have, and why do you like it?
>> >> Looking forward to your insights,
>> >> Bruce Whitmore
>> >> 1994 C&C37/40+
>> >> "Astralis" 
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