I have to agree with you Dennis. I have a 2.5k inverter/charger I would love to 
get rid of. It's big and I don't like the way it's wired into my boat. I had a 
fault while out cruising earlier this month, that rendered the whole unit us 
less. Except for ballast. Luckily I was able to reset the fault. Doug Mountjoy 
Sv Rebecca Leah C&C LF39Port Orchard YC wa.
-------- Original message --------From: "Dennis C. via CnC-List" 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 9/24/19  12:40  (GMT-08:00) To: CnClist 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: "Dennis C." <capt...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: 
Stus-List Solar panels - now charger/inverters Chuck,Just a philosophical 
comment on charger/inverters.  I personally don't like them.  Others may 
disagree.If either side dies, you're screwed.  I prefer to install a separate 
charger and a separate inverter.Dennis C.Touche' 35-1 #83Mandeville, LAAny 
suggestions for charger/inverters would be appreciated.Chuck Gilchrest

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