----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Frederick G Street via CnC-List 
  To: Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List 
  Cc: Frederick G Street 
  Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 1:04 PM
  Subject: Stus-List Landfall 38 3QM cooling system woes

  Hello, all — I’ve got a 1979 LF38 with the original Yanmar 3QM diesel, fitted 
with a Sendure fresh-water exchanger kit (also original).

  Over the last season or so, I’ve been noticing a slow but accelerating drop 
in the coolant level.  In the last month, it has sped up quite a lot.  It’s not 
getting into the oil, and the head gasket is relatively new.  With the recent 
acceleration, there’s also a lot of white smoke (steam) in the exhaust as well.

  I’m thinking the heat exchanger may have developed a leak (or leaks) between 
the fresh and raw water sides.  I’m going to pull it this weekend and test it 
to see if that’s the case.  I am also going to replace ALL coolant hoses (fresh 
and raw, including the loops to the water heater and the v-drive).  I ordered 
50 feet of 1/2” and 3/4” Gates green-stripe (off Amazon) to keep costs lower 
per foot and make sure I have enough; this may also allow me to perform a 
temporary fix in case the exchanger is toast, by completely bypassing the 
Sendure system and effectively making the engine raw-water cooled until I can 
decide what to do with the exchanger.  This would also allow me to go on an 
extended weekend cruise next weekend without worry.  BTW, so that I don’t have 
to try to size new belts for the engine, I’ll leave the add-on coolant pump in 
place, but remove the impeller and just let it freewheel for the temporary fix 
(with no hoses connected).  It’s fairly new, I replaced it a few years ago.

  Anyone see any downsides to this plan; or any other places I can look for the 
missing coolant?   🙂

  — Fred

  Fred Street -- Minneapolis
  S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI



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