I am pretty sure that one of the members on this list suggested to plumb an extra T into the water intake (works only if your through hull is straight). Normally, you use the 90 deg part of the T for the water intake. When plugged, you attach a 30-50 cm of a hose (long enough to get you above the water level) to the other (straight up) port on the T and use a dowel to push out anything that plugged the intake.
What you are suggesting should work (kind of), as well, provided that the hose between the intake and the strainer is long enough and can be bent straight up. However, if you don’t disconnect the hose from the strainer, you would flood the boat (I don’t think you would sink it, just flood the bilge, provided that you know what you are doing there). That would not be that much different than replacing the speed transducer when in water or replacing the packing without a haul out. Marek 1994 C270 Legato Ottawa, ON From: David Knecht via CnC-List Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 07:45 To: CnC CnC discussion list Cc: David Knecht Subject: Stus-List plugged engine water intake Last week on a cruise, we ran the motor while at anchor to warm the water tank for showers. When we started the engine the next morning, I noticed the sound of water from the exhaust seemed off and sure enough, a few minutes later the engine began to overheat. We re-anchored and I went below to check the strainer basket which had a bit of grass in it, but not enough to plug it up. My wife (bless her heart) dove in and saw a big clump of seaweek attached to the hull where the intake should be. She managed to clear it and we got under way with no more trouble. One lesson is to be careful of running the engine when the boat is at rest as I am sure you are much more likely to suck stuff into the intake as opposed to when the boat is moving at 6 knots (that has never happened to me). But the experience got me thinking about how to resolve the problem of a plugged intake without swimming. Is it possible to take the basket out of the water intake strainer and run something flexible and stiff down the tube and clear the intake without diving? I am thinking of stiff wire or something like the fiberglass snake I use for running wires through small spaces. Anyone done this successfully? Dave S/V Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT [cid:BFDFBD47B9D544BC950DE6726C0859FE@BigLaptopETS]
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