Ditto. Very happy with mine had it for more than 9 years. Sent from my Samsung
Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: Randy Stafford via CnC-List
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 2019-06-25 12:37 (GMT-04:00) To: cnc-list
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: Randy Stafford <randal.staff...@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Rigid Boom Vang? I bought a rigid vang for my 30 MK I
from Garhauer three years ago for $495. I’ve been happy with it.Cheers,RandyOn
Jun 25, 2019, at 9:29 AM, Edd Schillay via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
wrote:Listers,My rigid boom vang has seen better days and I’m looking to do a
replacement. Can anyone recommend a good option for a boat in the 37-40’ range
that won’t break the bank?
All the best,EddEdd M. SchillayCaptain of the Starship EnterpriseC&C 37+ | Sail
No: NCC-1701-BCity Island Yacht Club | City Island, NY Venice Yacht Club |
Venice, FLStarship Enterprise's Captain's Log
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