I'd be interested in a fix to, I'm on he West Coast, just a little up the
coast from you (Parksville) and mine plugs up every time we motor out and
back. C&C 30.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 5:40 AM Allan Hester via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Listers,
> On a recent trip I found my sea strainer plugging up with sea weed very
> often. The good news is its doing its job. The bad news is it plugs up far
> too frequently.
> It seems to happen most frequently when entering or leaving various
> harbours here on the west coast.
> On 2 occassions I noticed the temperature gauge climbing well above its
> usual range between 170-180 F.
> Its now to the point where I check the strainer before leaving harbour
> which is a real pain.
> Last season after leaving Nanaimo harbour it was plugged so badly it
> starved the impellor pump to the point where the impellor and seals had to
> be replaced.
> My Beta 25 has less than 170 hours on it and it runs beautifully. Perhaps
> the issue is the strainer is too small or is an out dated model that can be
> upgraded?
> Does anybody have any ideas on what can be done? Perhaps a screen
> preventing sea weed from entering the pickup hose?
> Thank you.
> Al H.
> Pacific Ranger
> C&C 35 Mk3
> Vancouver,BC
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