Sounds like the sender. I replaced mine this year.

Alan Bergen
35 Mk III Thirsty
Rose City YC
Portland, OR

On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 7:25 PM Nathan Post via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Hello,
> On the way back to the marina this evening the oil pressure alarm went off
> after having motored about 10 minutes (and previously an hour earlier
> motored 20 minutes or so out).  I have a Westerbeke 20B2 diesel in my
> boat.  We have the admiral style control panel so that has both the
> temperature and oil pressure gauges as well as the alar buzzer.  Everything
> looked normal on the gauges with the oil pressure reading about 40 psi at
> 2500-2700 rpm (manual says 35 - 60 is normal so maybe slightly on the low
> side but still in range).  The same buzzer is connected to the over
> temperature alarm as well but temperature also seemed fine and cooling
> water was flowing.  I shut down the engine and checked the oil level -
> which was just fine, right where it had been earlier in the day at the full
> mark.  Given that we were in the middle of the channel and everything
> seemed to check out I ended up deciding to start her again and motored the
> remaining 10 minutes or so back to the marina (with the buzzer going the
> whole time).  The oil pressure stayed at 40 psi until I slowed her to an
> idle at which point it dropped to 25-30 psi.  I think that is pretty
> typical.  According the the manual the buzzer should sound at below 10 psi
> as it does when you first start the engine.
> My question is:  Do I assume that the sending switch for the oil pressure
> alarm is faulty and order a replacement?  Is there anything else I should
> check or verify to ensure that the oil pump is in fact working correctly
> and the oil is getting distributed through the engine?  Is there another
> part I should look into that could be causing this behavior?
> Thanks!
> Nathan Post
> S/V Wisper
> 1981 C&C34
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