In my video, I provide notes and links in the comments section; Stud and
nut conversions along with the torque specs.  It looks like a lubed value
of 299ft-lbs or dry of 254ft-lbs is the highest likely torque you'll
need... Unfortunately the largest reasonable torque wrench you'll probably
find is 250.  Pushing an wrench to it's limit is not particularly easy - by
design.  While you might not "need" a multiplier, it will absolutely make
things easier.

There are lots of ways to lock a bolt without lock washers.  If you
absolutely know that the nuts are backing off, then I would suggest a
second nut to act as a lock nut.

You asked if there was anything you were missing.  A critical step is to be
on the hard when you torque the bolts.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 9:20 AM Thomas Delaney via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Hi  listers,
> First of- thanks for all of your suggestions for rebuilding my navtec
> backstay adjuster. It was serviced by a shop in Oyster Bay, NY and the
> local rigger (Jeff Lazar, whom I can't recommend enough) handled the
> removal and reinstall. So, onto the next project!
> I've been buying tools as I need them for projects, and this spring I'm
> going to make sure my keep is securely attached to the boat.
> Obviously I'll need a torque wrench, a socket, and an extension for the
> forward bolt at the mast. Does anyone know offhand what size bolt is in the
> 35-1? Otherwise I'll add calipers to the list of tools.
> The nuts and bolts are rust free, and the PO replaced the iron washers
> with stainless backing plates. I can see they were bedded with a some
> caulking. I am going to remove the nuts, one by one, clean and rebed the
> backing plates with 4200, and bring the bolts to somewhere below the final
> torque setting for a few days before the finishing the torquing to 100%.
> Once that is done and it warms up, I am going to address the leading edge
> of the keel with gflex, fair it, and paint the bottom.
> Am I missing anything obvious in the bolt torquing procedure?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ---
> Snow Goose
> 35-1
> City Island, NY
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