The ¾” bolts use a 1 1/8” socket, and the 1” bolts use a 1 ½” socket.
I have never seen lock washers on these keels, and I wouldn’t suggest them. They are torqued so darn tight I can’t imagine them loosening. I would, however, use a little TefGel on the threads. Try putting a mark on the nut and on the plate with a magic marker to see if there is any activity there. I am glad you brought this up, this made me realize that the last person to borrow my torque wrench never returned it! Bill Coleman C&C 39 Erie, PA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Pete Shelquist via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 11:08 AM To: Cc: Pete Shelquist Subject: Re: Stus-List Prepping for 35-1 Keel Bolts/Smile Fix To expand on Tom’s note below, I have a few additional questions for this crowd; With anticipation of doing some offshore races in our area this summer, I pulled my mast last fall to tighten up all the keel bolts. After only a couple years, they were surprisingly loose. Quick question; any reason to not use blue Loctite on the threads to help keep the nuts from loosening? The boat is 5 hrs away and I don’t have any photos with me to double check, but I’m assuming there should be lock washers. Maybe a better solution is to just replace those lock washers? Thanks, From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of Thomas Delaney via CnC-List Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 8:19 AM To: Cc: Thomas Delaney <> Subject: Stus-List Prepping for 35-1 Keel Bolts/Smile Fix Hi listers, First of- thanks for all of your suggestions for rebuilding my navtec backstay adjuster. It was serviced by a shop in Oyster Bay, NY and the local rigger (Jeff Lazar, whom I can't recommend enough) handled the removal and reinstall. So, onto the next project! I've been buying tools as I need them for projects, and this spring I'm going to make sure my keep is securely attached to the boat. Obviously I'll need a torque wrench, a socket, and an extension for the forward bolt at the mast. Does anyone know offhand what size bolt is in the 35-1? Otherwise I'll add calipers to the list of tools. The nuts and bolts are rust free, and the PO replaced the iron washers with stainless backing plates. I can see they were bedded with a some caulking. I am going to remove the nuts, one by one, clean and rebed the backing plates with 4200, and bring the bolts to somewhere below the final torque setting for a few days before the finishing the torquing to 100%. Once that is done and it warms up, I am going to address the leading edge of the keel with gflex, fair it, and paint the bottom. Am I missing anything obvious in the bolt torquing procedure? Thanks, Tom --- Snow Goose 35-1 City Island, NY
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