L-36.com is a great compiler of many used sails vendors...

David F. Risch, J. D.

Gulf Stream Associates, LLC

(401) 419-4650

From: CnC-List <cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com> on behalf of Bruce Whitmore via 
CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 12:08 PM
To: Brian Chambers via CnC-List
Cc: Bruce Whitmore
Subject: Re: Stus-List headsail, maybe 125-135?

Hello all,

We had a C&C 27 MKIII tall rig on Lake Michigan, and found that I always used 
by 120%, and after I got it, stopped using my 100% and 150%.  By comparison, 
now that I am in the Tampa area, I found my 130% to be too little sail, and so 
I run my 150% on my roller furling all the time.  So, it all depends on the 
prevailing winds you find in your area.

As for a good place to sell sails, there are a number of them, but Bacons sells 
on consignment and has (in my opinion) the most inventory and probably the best 
flow of customers, so you stand a pretty good chance of selling a sail through 
them if it is in reasonable condition.

Good luck!

Bruce Whitmore

(847) 404-5092 (mobile)


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