In salt water it comes from iron and manganese ions ever present same as
you see at the watervlines in some toiler bowls that is  why hydrchloric
acid containing toilet
bowl cleaners work like magic

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 9:28 AM Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Brian
> I have been told this is from Tanins in the water.  We had a white gelcoat
> (not painted) boat in an area where a larger river and swamp emptied into a
> bay.  Especially at the bow this brownish/greenish stain was very
> noticeable.  The product On and Off (oxylic acid I believe) tool the stain
> off very easily.  Unfortunately it comes back very quickly.  I was informed
> this was due to the porous nature of the gelcoat.  The prevention for this
> was waxing the hull esp at the waterline with a high quality wax.  Once we
> started being diligent with the waxing the problem went away.
> ... and when I say came back quickly I mean very quickly.  We were
> visiting Charlottetown, PEI for a regatta and took advantage of their crane
> to haul to clean bottom.  While out I scrubbed the hull above waterline
> with On and Off and removed the tannin staining.  Charlottetown Harbour is
> where three good sized rivers meet.  The stain was back in a bit over 24
> hours.
> Mike
> Persistence
> Halifax, NS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Brien
> Sadler via CnC-List
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 1:59 PM
> To:
> Cc: Brien Sadler
> Subject: Stus-List Hull products
> I’m looking for suggestions on a product to remove the the brown stain
> from my water line. Also, any recommendations on hull wax as well.
> Thanks,
> Brien Sadler
> 1987 C&C 35-3
> Sent from my iPhone
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