
I have been told this is from Tanins in the water.  We had a white gelcoat (not 
painted) boat in an area where a larger river and swamp emptied into a bay.  
Especially at the bow this brownish/greenish stain was very noticeable.  The 
product On and Off (oxylic acid I believe) tool the stain off very easily.  
Unfortunately it comes back very quickly.  I was informed this was due to the 
porous nature of the gelcoat.  The prevention for this was waxing the hull esp 
at the waterline with a high quality wax.  Once we started being diligent with 
the waxing the problem went away.

... and when I say came back quickly I mean very quickly.  We were visiting 
Charlottetown, PEI for a regatta and took advantage of their crane to haul to 
clean bottom.  While out I scrubbed the hull above waterline with On and Off 
and removed the tannin staining.  Charlottetown Harbour is where three good 
sized rivers meet.  The stain was back in a bit over 24 hours.

Halifax, NS

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Brien Sadler 
via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 1:59 PM
Cc: Brien Sadler
Subject: Stus-List Hull products

I’m looking for suggestions on a product to remove the the brown stain from my 
water line. Also, any recommendations on hull wax as well.


Brien Sadler
1987 C&C 35-3

Sent from my iPhone

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