I don't know if this is brand-specific, or which brands were involved, but 
while I had my boat hauled out and was in the process of making a decision on 
what to do about the packing gland on my boat, 2 boats in the same marina had 
serious leaks due to broken graphite parts in their dripless packings. One of 
them sank and the other managed to get hauled out in time. I did not know that 
such a catastrophic and sudden failure mode even existed up til then. No vendor 
or manufacturer's literature that I had seen even mentioned such a possibility. 
How such an event could be handled at sea I did not know. Anyway, it freaked me 
out and I decided to install a new conventional packing gland instead. 

Steve Thomas
C&C27 MKIII - Ontario
C&C36 - Florida


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