2800 RPM is running the engine pretty hard but if you are underpripped, you 
might have to run it this hard.  I have a new Yanmar which I criuse at just 
below 2400 (6.5 knots).


Bob Boyer
S/V Rainy Days (1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230)
Blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com
Email: dainyr...@icloud.com
Annapolis, MD 

> On Sep 14, 2018, at 3:49 PM, James Bibb via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> OK…engine seems to run warm/hot…temp is not above 180 but I’m not running at 
> 3,000 RPM, usually 2800.  …couple of questions….
> Lot’s of steam out the exhaust which I believe is more do to the balance of 
> coolant water in either muffler or the mixture elbow.  I sometimes remove the 
> engine access panels on either side and I notice an easy 5-10 degree drop in 
> temperature from the gauge.  
> I’ve checked the coolant, impeller, heat exchanger for clear and the 
> thermostat last year.  Haven’t checked past the coolant elbow or into the 
> muffer.  
> Does anybody have any experience and does anybody introduce a fan back-up 
> cooling system into the engine compartment and if so how do they and where do 
> they vent on a sailboat through the hull or deck? 
> Does the steam indicate overheating or based on temperature am I running 
> fine?  
> Other question, what RPM do folks run their engine at for cruising speed?  
> James Bibb
> SV Darwin’s Folly
> 1991 C&C 34/36R
> Juneau, Alaska
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