I have replaced my tank. A problem in the original one, being made of aluminum 
and sitting on a piece of plywood, is that it (over 36 years) will develop pin 
holes and leak. Then you get to pump diesel out of your bilge.

A second problem is the original has a elbow welded in the top which allows the 
input hose to exit sideways on the starboard side. I could not find a tank 
which would fit on the shelf which did not have a vertical input – and thus not 
allow the (very not flexible) input hose to turn down in time. I went to a 
smaller Moeller tank (11 gallons) instead of the original 19. Others have 
drilled a fill hole in the cockpit floor and put the filler in straight.


The Moeller tank I have was about $175 or so as opposed to some others which 
didn’t appear to fit any better for $400 or more. You can get a bunch of other 
tanks by Googling Moeller and/or chasing down some other manufacturers.


Or…. Take your tank out and find an aluminum welder and have a new bottom 
welded on (may be the best overall solution). The rest of the tank was fine, 
just the bottom was perforated.


Gary Nylander

30-1 #593


From: CnC-List <cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com> On Behalf Of Steve Guiney via 
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 8:44 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Steve Guiney <stevengui...@gmail.com>
Subject: Stus-List C&C 30' mk1 replacement fuel tank


Hello I'm wondering if anyone replaced their original fuel tank and know the 
dimensions of have a Moeller part number?


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