I did (do) not understand it, either; and my bottom paint is not copper-based.  
The closest electrical appliance is the toilet a couple feet away (but that’s 
another thread).  I figured maybe there was something going on in my marina 
slip due to nearby boats or other potential sources.

What I do know is that my previous bronze thru-hull was disintegrating without 
a ground wire, and the replacement bronze thru-hull appears to be doing fine 
with a ground wire.  If the ground wire had not already been sitting there 
(installed at manufacture or by a PO), I’m not sure this solution would have 
even occurred to me.

From: Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 11:40 AM
To: mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: Della Barba, Joe 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Galvanic corrosion

I am not sure I understand the mechanism of a bronze thru-hull in a fiberglass 
boat connected to a rubber hose suffering electrically caused corrosion.

Possible ideas:

1.      Copper in bottom paint is conducting enough to cause issues.

2.      There is current in the bilge water that is carrying through to the 

3.      It is/was a crap alloy.



C&C 35 MK I



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