Howdy John,

The wife and I are coming up to Oriental this weekend to check on our window project. Where do you keep Halcyon? Maybe we can get together check out each other's C&C.

Did Mark W. do your Staypack/tide tacks quote. I'd like to do that on our boat, however I need to get past this windows project first. It's killing me!

Mark Baldridge
'89 C&C37/40+ "The Edge"
Surf City, NC

On 7/27/2018 5:27 PM, John Conklin via CnC-List wrote:


Congrats, ! I too have a new 1982 😊   37FT  Standard.  Same here and same few minor issues! I ave done a lot of Sailing on OPB larger boats and I have to say just as you mention She sail like a dream! The Hunters and Catalinas most newbies go for just don’t compare the this oldie but goodie! I went out on my friends Beneteau Oceanis   38 last week and struggled with the wheel in just 12-15 knots of breeze! Sloppy, weather helm, and lack of can I say Lightness?   I had 18 knots with Halcyon and could let go the wheel and watch her track  upwind.

Similar issues. -  I think its just the battery on my force 10 But damned if I can find out where it is located?  The Lighter thing is working well so far

I have rule 1000 with working float switch, constant 1-2” inched of water in bilge but I think it comes down the mast ? I hold flot up for 20 seconds before taking off and all good to g.o Would like to track down source but not bothering anything.   Little darker color at times and slight smell of diesel so I do plan to investigate at some point.

I Do need to add a second Bilge for safety  but pretty good handle on what to do there after this last week of posts !

Need 1 lower Spreader or rebuild as end is badly corroded. Called South Shore and they didn’t have a clew ? Said maybe they could get 1 made ?

I am Here at boat this weekend  in Oriental NC flipped on the fridge and the A/C  and headed out to see the Local Doyle Sailmaker. I got  a quote for the Staypack  Sail system. Whole system rigged and installed  about $1300 and Tide Tracks also adds another  $1300   But I will be soloing and short handed a lot, and its so smooth!  so I feel this is a must for this slightly older and approaching retirement, gonna pack it in early dude,  well 6-years to go MAX ! 😊   This is like doing a kitchen or Master bath  in the house some Investments you recoup more on the resale than others. So I am going to suck it up and Bite the Bullet.  Open to comments on price this is my local sailmaker guy so I am a fan of keeping it local

Happy Sailing !!

John Conklin

S/V Halcyon

*From:* CnC-List <> on behalf of Maurice Poulin via CnC-List <>
*Sent:* Friday, July 27, 2018 3:06:56 PM
*Subject:* Stus-List little fixes on the C&C 30 MKII
Hello all,

First season with new to us C&C MKII and so far so good!  What a great boat and still far from having discovered everything about it. Did find out that it is wicked fast, I am a novice sailor at best and these days we are in the frontrunners at every Wednesday night club races!  Anyways, I am slowly compiling a to-do list for the fall and spring off seasons and seeking your valuable knowledge on little fixes.

1) The electrical panel on the boat has tank level monitors for fresh and waste tank but these do not work, is this something that can be fixed?  I assume there must be some type of sender unit on the tanks but before I tear everything apart, I am curious to see if you have run into this issue.

2) The propane stove (force ten) has a non fonctional electronic ignitor that would nice to replace or update, if anyone has insight on this would be grateful to hear about it.

Little things that can add convenience is always nice!

Cheers and happy sailing,

Maurice Poulin
Monoloy, Ottawa


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