G-Flex is my go to - it's inexpensive and comes in a caulking gun cartridge.
I used it to cover my keel joint before adding fairing compound and bbottom
paint. Fairing Compound doesn't seal water very well so you need something
strong and a little flexible. This is my first time using it below the
waterline but west systems says it works so I went with it.

C&C 44
Halifax, NS

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 12:24 AM, Chris Hobson via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Hauled out today for a quick bottom job. Yard suggested fibreglass for the
> crack, but then there’s also G-Flex. Epoxy and fairing could be an option
> but that would add on to the project. Any success or opinions on one or the
> other? It’s a minor smile, no torquing keel bolts at dropping anything.
> Chris
> 80’ C&C 30 MK1
> Sent from my iPhone
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