On my first boat, an O'Day 25 I de-masted after tacking in strong winds due to 
a leaking chain plate on the port side shroud that over many year (I suspect) 
had rotted the wooden bulkhead the chain plate was bolted to. 
Unfortunately due to the design it was almost impossible to detect and I 
obviously missed it.  Not a good experience. 
Every year following it is something I've checked closely and used an awl to 
ensure no rot.  Even with my current boat, a C&C 35 -1, it is closely checked 
every spring. 
If I were to find any rot I would look to replace the bulkhead.  Repair may be 
possible, but if the existing design and bulkhead lasted 40+ years the design 
has to be good so why not stick with what you know works. 
I'm not familiar with the C&C 33 so would recommend you have an engineer or 
someone qualified in boat structural repairs have a look at it and give you 
their recommendation. 
Good luck! 
James Neirinck 
C&C 35-1, s/n 75 
Flamingo IV  

----- Original Message -----

From: "DANIEL WATTS via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: "DANIEL WATTS" <watt...@comcast.net> 
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 6:41:51 PM 
Subject: Stus-List Rot around chain plate 

After uncovering my C&C 33 for the season, I found some rust in the cabin under 
the forward chainplate which holds the lower shroud. Upon further 
investigation, I found rot (finger piercing) in the bulkhead area inside the 
head compartment over the toilet, between the chainplate and the hull. Am I 
looking at a major repair, rebuilding the bulkhead, or is there some way to 
patch up the area? 

Any advise would be appreciated, 

Dan Watts 

Counterpoint - 1976 C&C 33 Mk1  

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