The hardest part is going to be gaining access to the area.  Other than
that it should be a pretty standard job of cutting out the bad and
replacing with new then glassing it in with the appropriate tabbing.  If
the picture I've created in my mind is correct then the chain plate is
connected to this bulkhead?  Then the bulkhead is part of the knee and will
absolutely compromise the stability of the mast and subsequently the safety
of the boat.  Rot of that magnitude cannot be ignored.

Since it is such an integral part of the structure you may want to look at
what it would take to replace the whole bulkhead and not just a piece where
it is rotting.  The side stays will need removed to remove the chain plate
- use a halyard to stabilize the mast in the interim.  Remove the chain
plate.  Inspect for rot in the deck.

Send pictures so we can advise further.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018, 7:42 PM DANIEL WATTS via CnC-List <> wrote:

> After uncovering my C&C 33 for the season, I found some rust in the cabin
> under the forward chainplate which holds the lower shroud. Upon further
> investigation, I found rot (finger piercing) in the bulkhead area inside
> the head compartment over the toilet, between the chainplate and the hull.
> Am I looking at a major repair, rebuilding the bulkhead, or is there some
> way to patch up the area?
> Any advise would be appreciated,
> Dan Watts
> Counterpoint - 1976 C&C 33 Mk1
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