Hi Edd,

I spent the Easter Weekend in our local
anchorage, with a few other boats & friends. Cool
on Sunday morning but got the cabin to 60F soon
enough to make coffee. Nice way to spend a 34th wedding anniversary.

Some time during the weekend I made a list of
"deck tasks". Mostly pretty type stuff, lipstick
& wood colour, to get the ol' hooker ready for the spring market.
Maybe this year I'll put some effort into selling Sweet...

        Cheers, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1
        East side o' Vancouver Island

At 10:16 AM 4/3/2018, you wrote:

Now that April is finally here, I was curious as
to what you have planned for your Spring projects.

On the Enterprise:

1. Remove and service hydraulic autopilot pump
2. Re-vinyl Starfleet markings
3. Service Refrigeration
4. Install new hot water heater
5. Paint bottom

… and if you’re down south somewhere and have
been in the water and sailing already, I hate you.

All the best,


Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY
<http://enterpriseb.blogspot.com/>Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log


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