Josh, there is no way you can get into Tilghman with 6.5 foot draft unless they 
dredge either side of Knapps Narrows. Right now, it is about five feet at best 
on the west and maybe five and a half on the east. Oxford has great marinas but 
hardly any ‘real’ town. Went into Cambridge Municipal about a month ago, 
churned some mud with a 4 foot draft boat. (I pick up boats for the Chesapeake 
Bay Maritime Museum’s Donation Program, so get around to much of the Mid 
Chesapeake area). 



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh Muckley 
via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 4:05 PM
To: C&C List <>
Cc: Josh Muckley <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List 2018 Mid-Atlantic C&C rendezvous




You're absolutely right about St Michael's being a charming port with lots of 
shops and restaurants.  For that matter there are a few more charming places on 
the eastern shore which I'm perfectly willing to consider (Cambridge, Oxford, 
Tillman Island) and I'm sure more which I am simply unaware of.  I was 
concerned about excluding people by pushing too remote.  Feel free to review 
the the maps and see if there are any ports of call which I overlooked. Having 
a medium amount of amenities, things to do, and places to eat was more or less 
the consensus of the survey.  Annapolis, Solomons, and St Michael's were 
overwhelmingly suggested by the survey respondents.  State your case for your 
preferred port of call.  Bear in mind that you may also become the embassador 
since I may not be as familiar with the available services.


I draft 6.5' so depth is a regular consideration for all of the discussed ports.


Josh Muckley

S/V Sea Hawk

1989 C&C 37+

Solomons, MD





On Dec 11, 2017 3:11 PM, "Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List" < 
<> > wrote:


Water taxi service means no dinghy needed as well in Annapolis. LOTS of things 
to do ashore for the shopping inclined. When we lived on the Severn many a 
cruise got derailed by Naptown. We would pick up a mooring Friday night after 
work and instead of heading out Saturday, breakfast ashore would turn into a 
walk which went by some shops my wife liked and ………………………still there Sunday.

Saint Michael’s would be my next pick after Annapolis. 






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