Yeah Jack, seems like you got a pretty good life out of it.  I hear about
people getting 25,000 hours out of these Yanmar engines... Mine seems to be
working well and I don't see any change in sight but I'm not sure I would
be able to recognize when it was bad.  FWIW: I don't have an hour meter.


On Sep 17, 2017 1:17 PM, "Jack Fitzgerald via CnC-List" <> wrote:

> She had burnt exhaust valve seats, blown head gasket, pitting on the # 3
> piston and 8,793 hours showing on the clock. Yanmar couldn't provide the
> replacement parts and I didn't want to spend $1500.00 for used head to put
> on a  motor with nearly 9,000 hours and 31 years old. I actually bought the
> 3GM30F in Japan in 1985, the motor was so old that it didn't have glow
> plugs. It replaced the Volvo MD 2 that C&C put in the boat in 1974.
> I just hate to cheap my boat so everything that goes into or on her is
> always new and has been since we purchased her in November of 1975.
> Fortunately for me, I export boats and yachts (sail & power) for many of
> the major USA builders still in business as well importing sailing yachts
> for a number of European builders so I can usually ask for and get a favor
> or two when comes to updates and parts, etc..
> Best regards,
> Jack Fitzgerald
> HONEY - US12788]\
> C&C 39TM
> Savannah, GA
> This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy
> Act, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2510-2521, is confidential and may be legally
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> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> What was the indication that your engine was "shot"?
>> Josh Muckley
>> S/V Sea Hawk
>> 1989 C&C 37+
>> Solomons, MD
>> On Sep 17, 2017 12:47 PM, "Jack Fitzgerald via CnC-List" <
>>> wrote:
>>> Geo. I
>>> We bought the new engine, new 2.62 redux gear, B-20 panel, new motor
>>> mounts & water heater take off kit for USD 7,340.00 through one of our
>>> export clients. This customer buys a couple of hundred engines a year from
>>> Yanmar so I can only assume that I got a one time only good deal
>>> Of course, I had to travel to FL to pick it up and spent another
>>> $200.00+ fuel & for lunch for the folks that purchased the engine for me.
>>> Not sure if this a good deal or not, but mine old engine was shot and I
>>> couldn't wait since we start our fall & winter racing on 30 Sept assuming
>>> that hurricane Maria doesn't take us out
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jack Fitzgerald
>>> HONEY - US12788
>>> C&C 39TM
>>> Savannah, GA USA
>>> This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy
>>> Act, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2510-2521, is confidential and may be legally
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>>> that any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this
>>> communication is strictly prohibited.  Please reply to the sender that
>>> you
>>> have received this message in error, then delete it.  Thank you
>>> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 12:12 PM, George Cone via CnC-List <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What is the cost if I can ask for just the motor
>>>> Thanks
>>>> George cone
>>>>  c&c 40
>>>> Unsinkable 2
>>>> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Jack Fitzgerald via CnC-List <>
>>>> Date: 9/17/17 11:55 AM (GMT-05:00)
>>>> To: C&CList <>
>>>> Cc: Jack Fitzgerald <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Yanmar 3GMD replacement on C&C 34
>>>> Same here, just bought the new Yanmar 3YM30AE for our 39TM to replace
>>>> 30+ year old 3GM30F hopefull to begin installation early next week. Our
>>>> mechanic indicates that this engine will be basically a plug and play. This
>>>> is have to see.
>>>> If the new engine is a trouble free as the old one I will be a happy
>>>> camper.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Jack Fitzgerald
>>>> HONEY - US12788\
>>>> C&C 39TM
>>>> Savannah, GA USA
>>>> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Dave Godwin via CnC-List <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Andy,
>>>>> What sort of fuel consumption change, if any, did you experience with
>>>>> the 3YM30AE installation?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Dave Godwin
>>>>> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
>>>>> Reedville - Chesapeake Bay
>>>>> Ronin’s Overdue Refit <>
>>>>> On Sep 17, 2017, at 2:31 AM, Andrew Burton via CnC-List <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Just went from 3HM30 to a nice new 3YM30AE. It is an incredible
>>>>> difference; quieter, smoother, smaller, and same economy for a little more
>>>>> speed. They had to cut down the engine beds an inch or so, but otherwise 
>>>>> is
>>>>> a huge difference. I did most of the work getting the old engine out and
>>>>> helped with the installation of the new one. Still had to pay the mechanic
>>>>> for 23 hours labor to do the technical and electric stuff.
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> C&C 40
>>>>> Peregrine
>>>>> Andrew Burton
>>>>> 61 W Narragansett
>>>>> Newport, RI
>>>>> USA    02840
>>>>> +401 965-5260
>>>>> On Sep 16, 2017, at 23:14, DON JONSSON via CnC-List <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> It seems I have a leaking head gasket on my Yanmar engine.  It is an
>>>>> old engine but only has 2,000 hours on it.  I'm going to get some quotes 
>>>>> on
>>>>> fixing it but I'm sure it won't be cheap and not sure it won't be a waste
>>>>> on an old engine.
>>>>> The boat is leaking a fair bit of oil which ends up in the bilge.  The
>>>>> best guess when tracing the source is the gasket.  Of course the leak is
>>>>> from an area that is very difficult to get a good look at.  The boat has
>>>>> also suddenly taken to starting very poorly.  Anyway those are the
>>>>> symptoms.
>>>>> Has any one replaced a similar engine?  What with and how did it go?
>>>>> Any things to watch out for?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Don
>>>>> Victoria, BC
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