Hello all, We have a 1994 C&C 37/40+. The starboard water tank is leaking through a crack in an upper corner of the tank. The P.O. tried to seal the crack with a combination of silicone sealer reinforced with a piece of fiberglass cloth. Obviously, that repair didn't hold. Thankfully, the tank was very easy to remove!
I understand that welding plastic is pretty easy, and I've looked a video or two, most of which show a tool that blows hot air, though a cheap version at Harbor Freight looks more like a soldering kit, though I'm not sure its the correct tool for the type of plastic used in making the water tanks. So, a couple quick questions: 1). What type of plastic are the tanks made of?2). What is the correct tool for welding them? Any hints or tips of course would be greatly appreciated! Bruce Whitmore (847) 404-5092 (mobile) bwhitm...@sbcglobal.net
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