I can tell you from personal experience that AGMs won't servive either.  I
had 4 hooked in parallel  that I flattened to 4.5 v .  A painful
experience. At the same time I lost my inverter charger.

Fred Hazzard
S/V Fury
C&C 44
Portland, Or

On Jul 20, 2017 12:34 PM, "Bill Bina - gmail via CnC-List" <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if those voltages  of 4.7
> volts and 5.7 volts were correct, they mean these batteries have been quite
> severely damaged and will never have anywhere near full capacity again.
> That is not a maybe. You can get many batteries like that to take a surface
> charge and appear okay with a voltage reading that looks somewhat normal.
> There is no muscle behind it. The charger is telling you they are 100%
> charged to their new  and very diminished capacity.  Some of the cells may
> also have run dry. This was not survivable for any flooded battery
> regardless of quality, or how it was treated otherwise.
> Bill Bina
> On 7/20/2017 10:10 AM, RANDY via CnC-List wrote:
> An update on this.  Monday morning I brought my batteries home (I've got
> two of these: https://www.walmart.com/ip/EverStart-Maxx-Marine-
> Battery-Group-Size-29DC/20531539 dated May/June 2014 with relatively
> light use and constantly maintained by a 3amp solar charger).  And I bought
> this inexpensive charging unit: https://www.walmart.com/
> ip/Schumacher-Electric-15-Amp-Battery-Charger/46167057.
> One battery measured 4.7v before charging, and the other 5.7v, according
> to the charger's test function.  Each battery was on the charger for about
> 33 hours to charge back up to 13.2v / 13.5v and 100% charge according to
> the charger.  I haven't measured their voltage independently after charging
> with a multi-meter, but I did that at the start of the season and they were
> healthy.
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