I believe most CPAP machines run on 12v coming from a wall transformer
(wall wart).  It will be most efficient to simply power them straight off
the 12v battery through something like a cigarette lighter plug.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Feb 25, 2017 11:14 AM, "Bob Caughran via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> First let me apologize. I do get carried away writing at times.
> Until Beemer, 29mkII, was moved down to Biloxi 14 months ago, she had been
> a lake boat for ten years, day sailing and spending weekends in the marina,
> racing around the cans.
> Sailing on a friends 48' Tayana occasionally over the last seven years in
> the Gulf spoiled me to the joys of cruising to destinations and point to
> point distance races. Have sailed from Corpus Christi all along the Gulf to
> Key West on that big beautiful yacht.
> I remember the first time I sailed Beemer out into the gulf, out of the
> protection of Deer Island. Single handed, I headed out. The winds were
> 10-12 out of the south in the marina.  I threw the 105 on deck and rigged
> the first reef. Figuring I'm by myself, better to be prudent. A little chop
> in the bay as I motored west to open water. Most of you can guess what
> happened when I cleared Deer Island. Yep, bam!!  16-25 knots and 4' seas.
> Of course, Beemer was getting tossed around. Got the main up and the 105
> and Beemer put her ear down and took off.  Dang, she's a good lil boat.
>  Since moving her to Biloxi, it's been mostly day sails, occasional
> overnight anchoring on the barrier islands, and tons of working on her,
> setting her up to cruise.
> Next month, my sailing/racing buddy, his wife and myself are heading out
> on a week cruise to Pensacola, 100 miles away. We will do fairly short
> days, 20-40 miles. Stop and enjoy ourselves going and coming. Anchoring
> here, marina there.
> Since most of the time I'm by myself, having to plan all the extra stuff,
> blankets, towels, food for three has been fun.  My wife went out and bought
> a new quilt for the v-berth and new towels. Guess my older towels and
> blankets aren't good enough for guests. LOL.  They both use CPAP machines
> at night. Still working that electrical requirement.  And although his wife
> loves sailing, she is rather frail, so have to really watch weather so not
> to bounce her around too much. We will probably spend a fair bit of time on
> the ICW, at least heading east into the prevailing winds. The return should
> be outside, downwind run.
> Anyways, just thought I'd share my little plan for my first cruise.
> Oh yes, for any of you southerners, I'll always accept suggestions for
> anchorages or marinas between Orange Beach and Ft Walton Beach.  That means
> you too Dennis.
> Bob Caughran
> Beemer, 29mk2, 309
> Biloxi, MS
> Sent from my iPad
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