Ack, I forgot to change the email subject from the digest. Sorry! Retitling
so this mistake is not perpetuated.

-- Original mail: --
Thanks Rick. I did read your email (to this thread), and one from Apr 10
2014. I think that's it unless I missed one.

A wire conversion has only two tricky parts to it - the mast fittings, and
the spreader tips. So I'm trying to figure out more details about those.
There are a few things not clear to me about your wire rerig:
- What changes were made with your mast fittings (navtangs), if any? It
sounds like you got Navtec stemball fittings swaged onto the wire and
reused the old navtangs. Do you have K150's or K200's, and do you know if
the tie bar was inspected?
- How does the spreader tip connection need to change for wire?  The 38 Mk
2 rig might be a little different, but my upper main shroud is continuous
at the upper spreader. Does wire necessitate any changes there?  The lower
spreader tip is also a little tricky (because it has three wire
terminations in it).

I do agree nitrionic 50 rod is a marvelous engineering feat, but there are
appealing aspects to Dyform too (including that there are many more places
that can swage wire). The interesting thing is navtec's site says Dyform,
at the thickness giving comparable strength to -10 rod, has nearly the same
low stretch as rod. Dyform at 10000 lbs is 0.00085 stretch while rod -10 is
0.00083. I'm going to ask a couple riggers about that.

1984 C&C LF38

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 5:20 PM, <> wrote:

> From: Rick Brass <>
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 20:19:58 -0500
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Pointers on re rigging an LF38
> If you go back a few weeks on the list you will find a lengthy post from
> me telling about my experience replacing all the #10 rod on my 38 mk2 with
> Dyform wire.
> The wire has a little bit higher tensile strength than the rod. It is
> slightly – like a few thousandths – larger in diameter than the rod, so has
> a bit more windage. And the all up cost for replacement was just about what
> I was quoted for having Navtec evaluate the old rod.
> Rick Brass
> *Imzadi  *C&C 38 mk 2
> *la Belle Aurore *C&C 25 mk1
> Washington, NC

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