My boat's on the hard prefacing a Matthew haulout.  While she's out, she's due 
for some bottom work and thruhull replacement.  I'm going to replace the main 
and jib halyard sheaves at the masthead while she's out of the water, and while 
I know it's easier to replace them with the mast stepped, that's not going to 
happen this time around.  That being said, can anyone here help inform me as to 
what I have to do to get the sheaves out once I'm up the mast? Can't find any 
good info online about this procedure for a 33-1.  I have seen that there are 
pins that look like rivets on one side of the mast that hold the sheaves in 
place.  If I can get the pins out with a punch/chisel and don't lose the 
sheaves inside the mast, what else do I need to think about?  I have spare 
halyards to go aloft so there wont' be tension on said main and jib halyards. 
What tools do I need?  Thought I would block the holes in the sheave block to 
keep them from falling down inside the mast.  Any thoughts much appreciated.   
Barbara Hickson"Flight Risk" C&C 33-1Charleston, SC 


This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you like 
what we do, please help us pay for our costs by donating. All Contributions are 
greatly appreciated!

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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:43:37 -0400
From: Steve Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Mainsail replacement considerations
Message-ID: <20161013104337.XLJQJ.5573.root@toroondcmxzfep02>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

You should talk to Doyle Boston Sailmakers in Sarnia. They have done a lot of 
work for me over the years, including re-cutting and re-sizing, as well as a 
brand  new Dacron genoa. Not the cheapest option for new sails, but they are 
the go-to guys for the racers around here and they just might be able to 
breathe some new life into your baffed out old main. Full battens in a main can 
work wonders in light air. Or they might not, but they will tell you if you 
take the sail there. They are located close to the Bluewater Bridge and the 
Sarnia Yacht Club. 

Steve Thomas
Port Stanley, ON

---- Dave S via CnC-List <> wrote: 
Just received the results from the fall check-up and the local sail
loft has diagnosed Windstar's ('85 33-2) mainsail as "beyond
expired".  Cue the Monty Python...

The current main has two sets of reef points, (cringle at the leech and and
ring-on-webbing-straps at the luff.)
No telltales other than streamers off the leech.
IIRC there may be a leech line.
4 partial battens battens.
There are two cringles at the clew, one above the other, and what I believe
is called a "shelf" of lighter weight cloth along the foot.  Have never
used this out of ignorance, but perhaps I should.
it has a rope foot, slides on the luff.

I will have Rolly Tasker in Thailand quote, as well as UK sails here in

I value the 33-2's performance but most of my sailing is recreational
sailing here on Lake Ontario.  Would like to distance race but not looking
to be ultra-competitive at the top level.      Don't want to buy another
Main for this boat in the next decade.

Any thoughts or recommendations on a replacement, or comments on sail
lofts?  Many thanks!

Windstar 33-2


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:59:23 -0400
From: "Martin Kane" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Mainsail replacement considerations
Message-ID: <003001d22562$62464200$26d2c600$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Check out Precision Sails in Victoria BC. They have a great on-line site. Sails 
are made Asia somewhere but inspected and shipped from BC.  I got a 135 and 
asym from them this year. Very happy with the product and price.



C&C 29-2 Recalculating

MCC Toronto


From: Dave S [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:56 AM
To: C&c Stus List <>
Subject: Stus-List Mainsail replacement considerations


Just received the results from the fall check-up and the local sail loft has 
diagnosed Windstar's ('85 33-2) mainsail as "beyond expired".  Cue the Monty 


The current main has two sets of reef points, (cringle at the leech and and 
ring-on-webbing-straps at the luff.)  

No telltales other than streamers off the leech.  

IIRC there may be a leech line.  

4 partial battens battens.  

There are two cringles at the clew, one above the other, and what I believe is 
called a "shelf" of lighter weight cloth along the foot.  Have never used this 
out of ignorance, but perhaps I should.  

it has a rope foot, slides on the luff.  


I will have Rolly Tasker in Thailand quote, as well as UK sails here in Toronto.



I value the 33-2's performance but most of my sailing is recreational sailing 
here on Lake Ontario.  Would like to distance race but not looking to be 
ultra-competitive at the top level.      Don't want to buy another Main for 
this boat in the next decade.  


Any thoughts or recommendations on a replacement, or comments on sail lofts?  
Many thanks!



Windstar 33-2

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 11:09:01 -0400
From: Danny Haughey <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Mainsail replacement considerations
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

that's where I got my head sail this year.


On 10/13/2016 10:59 AM, Martin Kane via CnC-List wrote:
> Dave
> Check out Precision Sails in Victoria BC. They have a great on-line 
> site. Sails are made Asia somewhere but inspected and shipped from 
> BC.  I got a 135 and asym from them this year. Very happy with the 
> product and price.
> Martin
> C&C 29-2 Recalculating
> MCC Toronto
> *From:*Dave S []
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:56 AM
> *To:* C&c Stus List <>
> *Subject:* Stus-List Mainsail replacement considerations
> Just received the results from the fall check-up and the local sail 
> loft has diagnosed Windstar's ('85 33-2) mainsail as "beyond 
> expired".  Cue the Monty Python...
> The current main has two sets of reef points, (cringle at the leech 
> and and ring-on-webbing-straps at the luff.)
> No telltales other than streamers off the leech.
> IIRC there may be a leech line.
> 4 partial battens battens.
> There are two cringles at the clew, one above the other, and what I 
> believe is called a "shelf" of lighter weight cloth along the foot.  
> Have never used this out of ignorance, but perhaps I should.
> it has a rope foot, slides on the luff.
> I will have Rolly Tasker in Thailand quote, as well as UK sails here 
> in Toronto.
> I value the 33-2's performance but most of my sailing is recreational 
> sailing here on Lake Ontario.  Would like to distance race but 
> not looking to be ultra-competitive at the top level.      Don't want 
> to buy another Main for this boat in the next decade.
> Any thoughts or recommendations on a replacement, or comments on sail 
> lofts?  Many thanks!
> Dave
> Windstar 33-2
> _______________________________________________
> This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you like 
> what we do, please help us pay for our costs by donating. All Contributions 
> are greatly appreciated!

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End of CnC-List Digest, Vol 129, Issue 48


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