I single hand a lot and prefer the slip on my port.  I come in bow first so I 
pull towards the slip when i go into reverse to stop the boat (as I'm returning 
to the slip.)  It is a slight hassle departing, but i just give the stern a bit 
of a push off as I step aboard. 

I also made sure that i picked a slip that faces into the prevailing 
wind...this makes docking easier if you ever need to sail into your slip. I 
just turn into the slip and the wind stops me.

I agree with a previous lister that you want to avoid slips with the prevailing 
wind pushing you off the slip.  This situation causes the most problems at my 
marina, even for boats with lots of crew.

Atacama 33mkii
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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