I built a platform for a 5000 btu unit which sits on the
foredeck. I then built a couple of sides - the unit sits
in front of the forehatch and the open hatch with sides
aims the air down into the vee berth and head. Works OK,
dept us cool in the Baltimore heat for a couple of
weekends. Platform is out of 2x2's - light.
St. Michaels MD
On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 07:30:30 -0400
Jake Brodersen via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
I mounted a 12,000 btu window unit in the companionway.
It keeps the boat chilly even in the high 90’s. We only
use it a couple times a year, but for the price it sure
beats hotel rooms. Yes, it’s a bit heavy and hard to
stow, but I’ve worked out a spot at the saloon table next
to the mast where it stays put.
Jake Brodersen
C&C 35 Mk-III “Midnight Mistress”
Hampton VA
From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On
Behalf Of Edd Schillay via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 12:08
To: C&C List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Cc: Edd Schillay <e...@schillay.com>
Subject: Stus-List Portable Air Conditioner -- Anyone
try it?
We’ve had some really hot days up here in the Northeast
and the Admiral is thinking air conditioning. I don’t
really want to go through the expense of installing a
marine air conditioner and through-hull valves, but I
have been hearing stories of boaters putting one of those
portable AC units on board with the exhaust hose going
out through a hatch.
I would probably stick with an 7,000-8,000 BTU using
drawing 7-9 amps. The specs say that can cool 250 square
feet, which I think would make the inside of a boat cabin
quite comfortable. Obviously would only be used during
shore power or while the engine is running (I have a
high-amp alternator and a great inverter on board).
Has anyone done this? Any thoughts?
All the best,
Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY
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