For us, Whisker poles are not treated the same as the spinnaker pole which 
is true for many other regions. Again, no mention of it in the phrf docs 
and everybody's using whisker poles that are long enough to be effective. 

Truth is: A spin pole's length is woefully inadequate as a whisker pole (I 
have tried it), especially with a 150 % or above genoa. Sorry you guys 
can't use a "real" whisker pole with enough length to fully deploy a 150, 
you're missin' out. 

1990 34+ "Take Five"
Lake Lanier, GA 

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2016 12:44:03 +0000
From: "Hoyt, Mike" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Finally Won a Race now reaching strut
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

JF - check your PHRF certificate.  It specifies your spinnaker pole 
length.  A whisker pole is in fact treated the same as a spinnaker pole 
and unless your Sis state differently cannot exceed spin pole length 
without penalty.  If a pole longer than that declared is used or one that 
is unmeasurable (boat hook not attached) then you have violated your PHRF 
declaration and are subject to protest and DSQ



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