Thanks Chuck, I will give them a call. 

Steve Thomas 
Port Stanley, ON 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chuck Gilchrest via CnC-List 
  Cc: Chuck Gilchrest 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2016 20:34
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Shift Cable Clamp woes

  When I worked at Edson several years ago there was a few cable clamps left in 
inventory.  You will need to call Edson direct on Tuesday to get one since this 
part has been discontinued for decades.  Replace your cable at the same time 
because the reason the cable clamp broke was trying to hold a stiff rusty cable 
in place.  If you don't replace the cable, you'll simply break the new clamp 
soon after installation.  Edson also has a service bulletin on this control 
assembly (model 747 IIRC)they can send to you electronically.
  Chuck Gilchrest
  S/V Half Magic
  1983 LF 35
  Padanaram, MA
  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jul 2, 2016, at 8:17 PM, S Thomas via CnC-List <> 

    That is it, although the part in question is not visible in those photos. 
    I have been able to draw the cable and associated parts out through the 
top, but I am still trying to figure out what to do next. 
    It is not hard to imagine any number of ways to make a clamp, but to make 
one which will be strong enough to do the job and also fit back in the tube 
presents a real challenge. 
    I see no obvious way to improve on the original part, and the original 
being made of stamped stainless steel, it will not be easy to duplicate or 

    Steve Thomas 
    C&C27 MKIII 
    Port Stanley, ON 

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Michael Brown via CnC-List 
      Cc: Michael Brown 
      Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2016 19:36
      Subject: Re: Stus-List Shift Cable Clamp woes

      Does your setup look like this?

      If so the part I think you are referring to I have not been able to 
      I have considered making a spare, a project that hasn't got to the top
      of the todo list yet.

      Michael Brown
      C&C 30-1

        Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 10:32:14 -0400 
        From: "S Thomas" <> 
        To: <> 
        Subject: Stus-List Shift Cable Clamp woes 
        Message-ID: <8C564B7AC9E049FCB7FCE655B472320D@mordor> 
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" 

        My 1978 C&C27 has the type of shifter and throttle cable assembly that 
is external to the Edson pedistal, and mounted on a pair of 1 inch stainless 
        Yesterday the cable clamp on the shifter cable broke (under a lift 
bridge, enroute to a race start...) and I have not been able to find any 
reference this particlar part anywhere. 
        For the cable itself there are sources, but that does not help with 
this particular problem. 
        The clamp has already been welded once, but to try that again would 
require it to be welded in situ, which is tricky at best, given the fact that 
it is thin stainless steel and immediately adjascent to the plastic parts of 
the cable. I have a lot of respect for the welding skill of whoever did the 
original repair. 
        The part consists of stamped sheet metal, formed so that it fits into 
the annular detent on the shift cable and wraps around the cable. The ends of 
the sheet metal strap have right angle tabs that interleave to form an overall 
"D" shape, with a round head machine screw threaded through the flat surface 
into a flat stainless steel bar and into the annular detent on the cable. The 
bar extends up about 8 inches and is similarly fastened by a screw through the 
casting at the top. The whole thing:  cable, strap, and clamp, is stuffed down 
inside the 1 inch stainless tubing when assembled. 

        If anyone else has been down this road, I sure would like to hear how 
you handled it. 
        A source for the part would be great. 
        I have had no luck with online searches so far. 

        Steve Thomas 
        C&C27 MKIII 
        Port Stanley, ON 

        P.S. - The rest of my sailing club is yucking it up across the lake, 
and having a great time in Ashtabula, OH. 


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