Thanks Rick, and thanks all for the responses. 

My regional sailing association's PRHF rules are here: . The Sailing Association of Intermountain Lakes 
is one of three RSAs in US Sailing's Area F. 

In the end I think my rating is pretty consistent with all the other responses 
- effectively 174 base, +12 adjustment for fixed 2-blade prop, -6 adjustment 
for SMW > 180% of J, adjusted PHRF 180 with spinnaker, 198 without spinnaker. 
It's just that my certificate is not explicit about the base and prop 
adjustment - the prop adjustment is kind of "built in" to the base PHRF. When I 
renew next year maybe I'll ask my RSA's PHRF chairman to be more explicit about 
that - he's conscientious, and a friend on whose J/22 I've crewed before, and 
we've been communicating about my rating. 

Also, FWIW, I compared Schell regression formula outputs for "brochure data" 
(8000 lbs displacement and 11.5' E dimension) versus actual measured data for 
my boat (9200 lbs displacement and 10.5' E dimension), and the added weight and 
smaller mainsail cause an 11-second increase in output (9 seconds due to 
displacement difference, 2 seconds due to mainsail area difference). Since the 
rating process in my RSA doesn't seem to depend directly on displacement, and 
since my boat's rating is consistent with 30-1 ratings in other RSAs, I'm not 
concerned about that Schell regression formula output difference. I'll get the 
2 seconds back when I buy a new, properly-sized mainsail. And now I'm thinking 
about folding props... 

Thanks again. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Rick Brass via CnC-List" <> 
To: "cnc-list" <> 
Cc: "Rick Brass" <> 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 7:10:35 AM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List 30-1 PHRF Rating 

You may want to look at your local PHRF rules. The adjustment for the oversized 
spinnaker is typical. But in NCPHRF the presumption is that you have a folding 
or feathering prop (or an outboatd that can be raised out of the water). An 
exposed solid 2 blade prop is a +12 second adjustment. 

Rick Brass 

Washington, NC 

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Randy 
Stafford via CnC-List 
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:34 AM 
To: cnc-list <> 
Subject: Stus-List 30-1 PHRF Rating 


Just wondering how many of you 30-1 owners out there have ever received a PHRF 
certificate for your boat, and what your rating was. 

Looking at,
 the range is 168-186 with mode 174 and mean 174.64 (and median 177). But it's 
hard to know the particulars of all those boats that were rated e.g. how many 
had folding props. And there may be rating inconsistency between US Sailing 
regional sailing associations. 

The PHRF chairman of my regional sailing association gave my 30-1 base PHRF of 
186, and an adjusted PHRF of 180 (a -6 adjustment due to spinnaker max width 
>180% of J). AFAIK my boat is totally stock, including a fixed two-blade prop. 

Just wondering how my PHRF ratings compare to other 30-1s' PHRF ratings, and 
wondering about the particulars of the 30-1s that got rated. 

Thanks In Advance, 

Randy Stafford 

S/V Grenadine 

C&C 30-1 #7 

Ken Caryl, CO 


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