Substituting a regular nut if that is your preference is easy enough.
Wing nuts were standard issue for eons, although they are now frowned
upon. I'm old, and so is my boat. :-)
Bill Bina
On 5/8/2016 11:19 AM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List wrote:
Not that this would help Steve in any way, but using wing nuts for
battery terminals is frowned upon by ABYC.
The battery cables should be attached to the terminals with normal
nuts (preferably, self locking ones) and properly torqued in order to
make a good connection. When you use wing nuts, and screw them on
using your fingers, you don’t tighten them up sufficiently. If you use
the pliers or a wrench, the whole idea of a wing nut is defeated.
I have seen a few V drop on a connection between the post and wire
(connected using a wing nut).
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*From: *BillBinaList via CnC-List <>
*Sent: *May 8, 2016 10:14
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*Cc: *BillBinaList <>
*Subject: *Re: Stus-List Battery Posts
The Trojans I've seen have a threaded hole in the top of the post.
There is a double ended threaded lug that goes in that hole and then
you use a wingnut to secure the cable. Marine battery cables generally
have a simple lug terminal that goes over a threaded terminal and is
held with a wingnut. Any auto parts place would have what you need.
Bill Bina
On 5/8/2016 9:33 AM, Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List wrote:
Hi All,
I replaced my 2 x group 24 batteries with 2 trojan T-105 golf cart
batteries. I didn't consider the posts when I purchased the batteries
and now that they're on the boat I realize that the battery cables
won't work with these batteries. I had made considerations about
size, space, load etc but not the actual physical properties of the
posts. (I made cardboard mockups and they fit just like so)
Anyway, I need an adapter like this:
1. what the heck is that called?
2. where can I get them?!!!
I have found a lot of suppliers that sell the "male" version of that
but I need it just like in the photo. Unless I'm missing something -
which is entirely in the realm of possibility.
I don't have the tools to crimp new lugs onto the cables nor can I
remove the cables from the boat to have it done. They are very nicely
routed through the boat and that's a whole can of worms I don't care
to open.
Suhana, C&C 32
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